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 FedsproutAalap ShahPresident and CEO Small Business Grid At Fedsprout, we deliver comprehensive Technology-to-Market (T2M) services designed to accelerate the path from innovation to impact. Our expertise includes:

Market Research & Analysis
Value Proposition Development & Product Positioning
Go-To-Market Strategy
Technology & Economic Feasibility Studies
Marketing & Sales Strategy
Business & Financial Modeling
Value Chain Mapping & Analysis
Community Benefits & DEI Planning
Strategic Partnering

Our team of seasoned specialists brings deep experience across diverse energy sectors and a robust network of connections with utilities nationwide.

We seek partners to collaborate on commercialization efforts and T2M plan development. Fedsprout has a proven track record of supporting DOE awardees with commercialization planning, including:

ARPA-E GOPHURRS Program awardee
Two DOE ENERGYWERX participants
DOD awardees advancing dual-use technologies in offshore wind

Beyond commercialization, we also offer proposal writing and grant management services.


Phone: 3233634459

Address: 76 PETTIT PL, PRINCETON, NJ, 08540, United States
 ADVANCED ALTERNATIVE ENERGY COLes BlevinsPresident/CEO Individual Bioenergy Hi, I'm Les Blevins, a long-term climate change innovation developer in Kansas. Please see below and attached for more about this.

I believe there is a role for engineering when it comes to reengineering a better future for all in the USA and all around the world.

I'm here to make a case for big changes.
Big 'really difficult' problems need fixing.
We do need to adapt to the wireless age.
Simplicity is good - but often overlooked.
Disruption is needed on the power grid.
I am a mechanic and very good at fixing.
I can enable fixing the climate problems.
I trained for this task, since before 1980.
I've developed special tools for this task.
They are special devices no one else has.
We can stop climate change - if we want.
We must first want to fix climate change.
And we must save money in doing so too.
Otherwise, we really can’t afford to do it.

You can see my 100% scalable low-cost R&D 3E global repowering prototype at and ask questions if you cannot initially get your heads around it. I say that only because there is much more innovation here than meets the eye of the casual observer who is simple minded and doesn’t understand that there is no thermal conversion concept that cannot be improved to the point that it can do far better job than it could originally do. Otherwise we would still be driving Model T Fords.

“The reasonable man works diligently to adapt himself to the world in an effort to become successful; - on the other hand, the unreasonable man persists in working to enable people of the world to adapt to new world views and remain successful. Human progress is therefore dependent on the unreasonable man.” ~ A George Bernard Shaw quote

As the need to decarbonize clashes with soaring energy demands, the world faces an unprecedented energy challenge requiring disruption and a vast amount of capital.

And private investors are poised to play a pivotal role in supplying the required money resources amounting to around $4.3Trillion.

In the UK, this energy conundrum is particularly acute for the newly seated Labor government, which intends to bolster the nation’s energy security while fulfilling its own climate-policy pledges, all the while facing a yawning £22 billion (about $28 billion) hole in its budget.
Even before new finance minister Rachel Reeves recently acknowledged that the UK’s finances were “worse than expected,” she made it clear that the government would lean on private investors to


Phone: 7858421943

Address: Les Blevins, 1207 N 1800 Rd, Lawrence, KS, 66049, United States
 NationalXiaoling LiElectrical Research Engineer Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) Transportation Xiaoling Li is an electrical engineer specializing in power module packaging. Her expertise focuses on advanced wide-bandgap power module packaging, emphasizing electro-thermal co-design of parallel multi-chip configurations. Her skillset encompasses parasitic optimization, electromagnetic issue mitigation, device current balance, and partial discharge analysis at the power module and system level. Her work contributes to enhancing power module efficiency, reliability, and power density in electric vehicle and medium-voltage applications.
Website: ;


Phone: 3033847222

Address: 1607 Cole Blvd, Golden, CO, 80401, United States
 Virginia TechRichard ZhangProfessor Academic Grid Power Electronics, control, renewable energy and integration


Phone: (571) 858-3180

Address: 900 N Glebe Rd, 900 N Glebe Rd, Arlington, VA, 22203, United States
 Canyon Magnet EnergyHonghai SongCEO Small Business Grid Canyon Magnet Energy (CME) is a deep-tech company in high-temperature superconducting (HTS) technology, dedicated to developing innovative solutions for efficient energy transmission and storage. Our expertise lies in creating advanced HTS systems that address critical energy challenges.

CME is strongly aligned with the vision of the DC-GRIDS program to revolutionize energy infrastructure through the development of DC grids. Our focus on HTS cables, which offer unparalleled efficiency and performance in DC power transmission, positions us as a key partner in achieving the program's goals of reducing energy loss, minimizing footprint, and enhancing grid capacity and resiliency.


HTS cables are an ideal solution for DC grids due to their near-zero electrical resistance, enabling highly efficient power transfer with virtually no energy loss. This capability makes them indispensable for long-distance power transmission and interconnection of MT-HVDC grids.

CME’s HTS cables combine ultra-high current density with compact size, making them ideal for integration into MT-HVDC converter stations and other high-voltage DC infrastructure. They are designed to support transformative energy solutions with significantly lower operational losses compared to traditional systems.

CME’s advanced cryogenic cooling systems maintain the superconducting state of HTS cables, ensuring reliable and consistent performance. These systems are compact and energy-efficient, supporting the deployment of HTS cables in offshore and land-based HVDC applications.

CME provides comprehensive electromagnetic transient modeling and hardware validation to optimize the performance of HTS cables in DC power transmission, ensuring seamless integration with existing grid systems.

CME is committed to advancing HTS cable technology to support ARPA-E’s vision of a robust, interconnected, and efficient MT-HVDC grid. By partnering with stakeholders in the energy sector, we aim to accelerate the adoption of sustainable energy solutions and transform the nation’s power infrastructure.


Phone: 8507286151

Address: 8, Jefferson Ct, East Setauket, NY, 11733, United States
 Florida State UniversityGian Carlo MontanariProfessor Academic Grid Research Background and Interests: Gian Carlo Montanari (Life Fellow, IEEE) is currently a Research Faculty III with the Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS) of Florida State University (FSU) and Alma Mater Professor with Bologna University, Italy. His main fields of research include aging and endurance of insulating materials and systems, diagnostics of electrical systems and innovative electrical materials (such as magnetics, electrets, superconductors, and nanomaterials), power quality and energy market, power electronics, and smart grid. He has authored/co-authored more than 900 scientific papers and received several prestigious awards.
Lab Capabilities: Based on the existing equipment in High Electric Fields Lab (HEFL) of CAPS-FSU, Partial Discharge (PD) inception voltage, breakdown strength, surface erosion, accelerated aging, surface and bulk conductivity, and space charge measurements for design and performance evaluation of the insulating materials and systems, under different types of power supply and stress conditions, are examples of studies conducted at HEFL. HEFL is equipped with four AC power supplies (up to 100 kV), four DC power supplies (up to 100 kV) and a high-voltage power amplifier that, when paired with a function generator, can replicate any voltage waveform encountered in ships, aircrafts, renewables generation and industrial assets, up to a range of ±30 kV. The lab has already the most innovative PD detection system, which is custom manufactured for measuring PD automatically or by expert-based access in any electrical system, under AC, DC and power electronics waveforms. HEFL also has an inhouse built space charge measurement and conductivity measurement cells which can operate at voltage up to 50 kV and 90°C. A pressure and climate chamber with variable pressure (up to 1 mbar), humidity, broad range of temperature (from -80 to 180°C) and a voltage rating of up to 50 kV, is used to carry out accelerated life tests and PD measurements on insulating specimens and systems under harsh environmental conditions. HEFL is also equipped with ovens (up to 350°C), a 3D printer, an advanced ultraviolet camera which enables visual validation of PD activity, a Very Low Frequency (VLF) and Tan Delta testing system for medium voltage cables up to 35 kV. Having these capabilities, HEFL team is interested in participating in a potential project as a project partner, focusing on the high voltage testing of insulating materials and systems.


Phone: +15616929903

Address: 2000 Levy Avenue, Center for Advanced Power Systems, Tallahassee, FL, 32310, United States
 SpinQi LLCIrving WeinbergPresident Small Business Other Energy Technologies We are building new-generation high voltage capacitors that will have less than one-tenth the footprint of existing devices. We are looking for integrators of the capacitors into various applications.


Phone: 3013467944

Address: 12156 Parklawn Drive, Suite Q, Rockville, MD, 20852, United States
 Energy Production and Infrastructure Center (EPIC) @ UNC CharlotteRobert CoxExecutive Director & Professor Academic Grid Located on the campus of UNC Charlotte, the Energy Production and Infrastructure Center (EPIC) was formed through private and public funding in response to the need to supply well-educated and highly trained engineers qualified to meet the demands of the energy industry, and to provide sustainable support for applied research. Offering a collaborative industry/academic partnership, EPIC produces a technical workforce and advancements in technology for the global energy industry while supporting the Carolinas’ multi-state economic and energy security.

EPIC is an additive research center within UNC Charlotte. Center faculty and staff have an extensive history of collaborating with industry partners on major projects. EPIC has multiple faculty and full-time research staff focused on power electronics, with a special emphasis on the design and control of grid-connected systems. Similarly, EPIC has multiple faculty and full-time staff focused on power systems modeling, analysis, and simulation. EPIC has extensive capabilities for hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) studies. EPIC laboratories also allow for testing of equipment up to 1MW and at medium voltage.



Address: 9201 University City Boulevard, Charlotte, NC, 28223, United States
 Texas Tech UniversityHongxing Jiang and Jingyu LinProfessors Academic Other Energy Technologies Hongxing Jiang and Jingyu Lin’s combined labs at Texas Tech University are equipped with 3 MOCVD and 3 HVPE reactors for producing GaN, AlN and BN epitaxial layers, devices structures as well as quasi-bulk wafers with wafer handling capability up to 6” in diameter. Device fabrication capabilities for III-nitride semiconductors include: Photolithgraphy-0.5 um resolution, ICP etching, PECVD passivation, laser-left off and dicing systems, metal deposition systems. Unique material characterization capability: ps time-resolved DUV PL (up to 6.3 eV), Hall measurement between 10 and 800 K, photoexcitation spectroscopy between 195 to 1500 nm.

We have more than 25 years of experiences on epitaxial growth of GaN, AlN and BN materials (starting in DARPA SUVOS program in 2001), pioneered the development of h-BN quasi-bulk crystals and achieved h-BN thermal neutron detectors with a record high detection efficiency of 60% (supported by ARPA-E); Capable to produce AlN device structures to sustain ultrahigh breakdown field (9 MV/cm so far); Among the first to achieve conductivity control in pure AlN (see e.g., with n-type resistivity of 10 in APL. 85, 3769 (2004); and p-type resistivity of p-Al0.7GaN0.3N)=1500, APL 86, 092108 (2005)).

Other demonstrated capabilities include: (1) Invented microLED and microLED microdisplay in 2000 - Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 3236 (2000), Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 1303 (2001). Patent US6410940B1 – The technology is becoming a household name in display industry.
Invented AC/DC high-voltage LED in 2002 via integration of microLED and mini-LED arrays on chip (e.g., US patent US6957899B2, etc.) – commercialized worldwide. (2) One of the first to experimentally determine the Mg acceptor energy level in AlN - Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 878 (2003).
(3) Realized the 1st GaN photonic crystal LED - Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 1231 (2003); Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 466 (2004).
(4) First to predict/demonstrate AlN is an edge-emitter – Al-rich AlGaN UV emitters emit light in the TM mode - APL 84, 5264 (2004).
(5) The only group in the world possessing capability for synthesizing h-BN semi-bulk crystals (supported by ARPA-E).
(6) Worked on III-nitride since 1995 – with 1st publication on time-resolved PL studies of GaN in Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 3474 (1995).
Pioneered the development (in 1999) of the first deep UV picosecond time-resolved optical spectroscopy system (down to 195 nm) for UWBG semiconductors.


Phone: 8064414010

Address: Texas Tech University, Department of ECE, Lubbock, TX, 79409, United States
 National Renewable Energy LaboratoryRamanathan ThiagarajanResearch Electrical Engineer Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) Grid NREL's medium-voltage power electronics researchers design wide-bandgap converters, develop robust control algorithms, and analyze interactions and impacts between converters and utility distribution systems. Our areas of interest include medium voltage power electronic converter testing, controller and power hardware in the loop testing of medium voltage power electronic converters, development of novel controls, modeling of HVDC converter controls and protection schemes, and HVDC converter stability.


Phone: 7204675336

Address: 15013 Denver W. Pkwy, Golden, CO, 80401, United States
 National Renewable Energy LaboratoryBarry MatherPrincipal Electrical Engineer Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) Grid Barry Mather received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Colorado, Boulder, CO in 2010. Since 2010 he has been with the Power Systems Engineering Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, CO. From 2010 to 2015 he led a project focusing on the technical impacts of the integration of high-penetrations of PV in Southern California Edison’s service territory and authored the High-
Penetration PV Grid Integration Handbook for Distribution Engineers. He currently leads a group of about 20 researchers focused on power electronics, system-level control, standards, and national- and state-level interconnection issues related to the integration of renewable energy sources at ever higher levels. Barry also leads a number of technical projects focused at the intersection of power systems and power electronics research to enable greater grid functionality and value of distributed energy resources. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, is the vice -chair
of the IEEE Power and Energy Society’s Distribution System Analysis Subcommittee and is the Chair for the IEEE Power Electronic Society for the Denver Section.


Phone: 303-275-4378

Address: 15013 Denver W. Pkwy, Golden, CO, 80401, United States
 National Renewable Energy LaboratoryFaisal KahnChief Researcher - Power Electronics Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) Grid Faisal Khan serves as the chief researcher in the field of power electronics and electric machines, power semiconductor device packaging, transportation electronics, reliability and degradation analysis of power converters and batteries. He has introduced several new techniques to determine the useful remaining life of converters and batteries and designed high-efficiency modular power conversion and resonator-based power conversion systems for biomedical and low electromagnetic interface applications.


Phone: 303-384-6426

Address: 15013 Denver W. Pkwy, Golden, CO, 80401, United States
 KEMA-Powertest USAMichael AdamsDirector of Business Development Large Business Grid KEMA-Powertest USA operated the largest high power/high voltage test facility in the Americas. The test facility is located in Chalfont, PA (45 minutes north and west of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. KEMA tests low, medium and high voltage test equipment for all the major electrical equipment OEMs (Siemens, ABB, Schneider, Tesla, and many others). KEMA's parent company, CESI/KEMA is headquartered in Milan, Italy. In addition to the major OEMs, KEMA-Powertest USA supports many testing services for electrical utilities, such as Wildfire testing in accordance with the CALFIRE handbook. KEMA-Powertest USA provides supply chain quality assurance services and consulting services for utilities and end users who seek other equipment suppliers offshore or who may need consultative services.


Phone: (267) 698-0704

Address: 4379 County Line Road, Chalfont, PA, 18914, United States
 Innoversa Solutions - A Quanta Services CompanyFarid KatiraeiPresident Small Business Power Generation: Renewable Innoversa is specialized in modular and scalable power electronic based energy conversion systems. We provide design, fabrication and testing of multi-port power conversion systems (Dc to DC and DC to AC, and bidirectional).

We provide fast-track design and prototyping, and MW scale & MV level testing, including capability to deploy in outdoor, real-world environment. Our sister company, operate a HV DC test facility (with test and measurement certified up to 1000 kV DC).


Phone: 6473307379

Address: 4020 Westchase blvd, unit 200, Raleigh, NC, 27607, United States
 NoMIS PowerAdam MorganCo-Founder, CEO, Technical Lead for Packaging Small Business Other Energy Technologies NoMIS Power can provide team members with our state-of-the art 1.2 kV and 3.3 kV SiC MOSFETs in bare chip form, as well as discretes and power modules in industry-standard and/or custom-package types. Our SiC power devices undergo extensive screening after fab-out, and exhibit greater ruggedness than other commercially available SiC MOSFETs. Depending on project scope/budget, NoMIS Power can also support custom SiC power semiconductor device design and fabrication, to enable a more tailored solution to the team members' SiC power device needs wrt. the next packaging and system -level integration.

NoMIS Power was founded to bring the breakthrough advantages of Silicon Carbide (SiC) out of the laboratory and into the global power electronics industry. We are recognized leaders in the design and development of novel SiC power semiconductor devices and packaging architectures. We help leading companies achieve a decisive competitive advantage through our cutting-edge SiC products and bespoke services.

At NoMIS Power our goal is to offer unmatched ruggedness, reliability, and customizability for the most demanding power semiconductor applications.


Phone: 5189443910

Address: 251 Fuller Road, Albany, NY, 12203, United States
 Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryLars VossGroup Leader Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) Other Energy Technologies Our team works on WBG and UWBG semiconductor technologies and systems for MV and HV high speed switching. We have expertise from materials design, some materials syntheis, device design, device fabrication, device test, device integration, system design, and in other parts of the laboratory at the grid level. We are interested in teaming with other performers across any area, and I can connect folks with the relevant SMEs at LLNL if they are not on my team.


Phone: 925-423-0069

Address: 7000 East Ave, Livermore, CA, 94550, United States
 DRG Technical SolutionsPenny HumphreysSr. Research Business Analyst Small Business Grid DRG Technical Solutions is a full-service engineering and research firm, focused on the electric utility and infrastructure, inclusive of but not limited to, transmission and distribution planning, grid automation, reliability, and resiliency.'- Electric Power System Research
- Electric Distribution Engineering Design
- Electrical Substation Design
- Electric Grid Automation
- Advanced sensing and fault detection for Electric Power systems
- Situational awareness for Electric Power systems
- HPC high-performance computing Electric Power supply
- Electrical protection and controls
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Electric Power systems
- Renewable generation pv, wind, hydro, nuclear, energy storage, Electric vehicle charging stations
- Electrical Power Quality and Monitoring


Phone: 4232614488

Address: 6070 Poplar Ave Suite 750, Memphis, TN, 38119, United States
 National Renewable Energy LaboratoryShuofeng ZhaoResearcher Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) Transportation Shuofeng Zhao received the B.E. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 2013 and
2018, respectively. He is currently a researcher with the Advanced Power Electronics and Electric Machines group, Center of Integrated Mobility Sciences, at National Renewable Energy Laboratory. His research interests and experiences include control of electric motors and power converters in transportation and clean energy applications, battery management system for electric vehicles and energy storage system, and power electronic module design.


Phone: 3036305536, 6197880448

Address: 15013 Denver West Pkwy, Golden, CO, 80401, United States
 Oak Ridge National LaboratoryJongchan ChoiR&D Staff Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) Grid Jongchan Choi is R&D staff at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), having 13+ years of research on power electronics integration into transmission and distribution power grids, EMT modeling, simulation, and state estimation. His expertise is well-aligned with ongoing innovations in power electronics and renewable energy systems. His recent work includes a library of advanced models of large-scale PV plants, research on application of advanced computing capabilities for future grid simulations, AI-based state estimation for power distribution grids.
1. Modeling and Simulation for Power Electronics Integration: He is particularly interested in electromagnetic transient (EMT) modeling, with a focus on accurately representing power electronics-based energy resources, such as PV systems and EV chargers.
2. High-Performance Computing (HPC) for Grid Applications: Developing and implementing high-performance computing solutions (e.g., using TPU and NPU) to simulate complex power electronics-based grid models is a clear interest, suggesting a strong orientation toward integrating computing advancements to optimize and automate grid functions.
3. Sustainable and Resilient Power Systems: His publications and projects point to a sustained interest in increasing grid resilience, especially through innovations in extreme fast-charging systems, solid-state power substations, and large-scale PV system simulations.
1. Technical Skills in Simulation and Modeling Tools: He is skilled with tools such as PSCAD/EMTDC, MATLAB/Simulink, RTDS/RSCAD, OpenDSS, and GridLAB-D, which are essential for his work in EMT simulation. His programming proficiency spans Fortran, C/C++, Python, and Rust, allowing him to develop and optimize simulation algorithms for specific grid requirements.
2. Research and Development Acumen: He has successfully managed and contributed to multiple government and academic projects, such as the GMLC/WETO and SETO initiatives, where he developed EMT simulation algorithms, automated grid models, and implemented advanced control algorithms for energy hubs and solid-state power substations.


Phone: 6143972340

Address: 1 Bethel Valley Road, Oak Ridge, TN, 37830, United States
 University of South CarolinaAdel NasiriDistinguished Professor Academic Grid University of South Carolina (USC) has background, expertise, and track record in Medium Voltage (MV) converter development, insulation design with creep age/clearance distances, high frequency magnetics including ferrite- and Nanocrystaline-core transformers, high speed controls, and thermal management. The team also has experience in EV chargers, megawatt chargers, and high voltage Solid State Transformers (SST).
USC also has high power and MV facility with power up to 500kVA and voltage up to 13.8kV.


Phone: 803-576-7796

Address: 1000 Catawba St, SUite 130, Columbia, SC, 29201, United States
 University of Nebraska-LincolnJun WangAssistant Professor Federal Government Grid I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with 16 years of experience in developing advanced SiC and Si multilevel power converters. My current research focuses on application-driven co-innovation in power converter topologies, packaging, and integrated intelligence. I am a 2024 ARPA-E IGNIITE Early Career Award recipient, with a publication record of 26 journal papers, over 50 conference papers, 17 U.S. patents (granted or pending), and three prize paper awards.


Phone: 540-553-5005

Address: C290AA Scott Engineering Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, 68588-0511, United States
 Virginia Tech, CPESRolando BurgosProfessor Academic Power Generation: Renewable Dr. Rolando Burgos is a professor in The Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), and the Director of CPES. He has published more than 650 refereed technical articles, and has been awarded 25 patents. He has been PI or Co-PI in more than 110 sponsored research project, and has advised to completion 55 graduate students (21 PhD and 34 MS). He has led CPES’ efforts into MV power conversion, focusing on the integration of SiC semiconductors, and on the maximization of efficiency and power density, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE), by the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E), the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), and by the U.S. power industry. Some key recent programs include the DoE-sponsored “High-Manufacturability 13.8 kV Grid-Interface Power Conditioning Converter with MVAC and MVDC Ports for Flexible Manufacturing Plants”, and “High-Efficiency Modular SiC-based Power-Converter for Flexible-Combined Heat and Power (F-CHP) Systems with Stability-Enhanced Grid-Support Functions”; programs sponsored by ARPA-E BREAKERS program, “Ultra-Efficient Intelligent MVDC Hybrid Circuit Breakers,” by the ARPA-E CIRCUITS program, “High Power Density 10-kV SiC-MOSFET-based Modular, Scalable Power Converters for Medium Voltage Applications,” and by ONR, “Development of the PEBB 6000 based on Gen3 10 kV 240 A SiC MOSFET Devices,” and the “Development of Intelligent Power Stages for Medium-Voltage Solid State Power Substation” in collaboration with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), among others. Recent and ongoing industry collaborations with industry include the development of a “High-Power Resonant Dc-Dc Converter”, the “Feasibility Study, Modeling and Simulation, and Prototype Development of a Hybrid Modular Multilevel Converter”, and the “Investigation of Medium-Voltage Planar Laminated DC Bus and High-Frequency High-Power Planar Transformer.”

CPES occupies office and laboratory space on the main campus in Blacksburg, VA, and in Arlington, VA, encompassing more than 22,000 sq. ft.; including the electrical, packaging and integration, and computer laboratories, with a capacity of 70 graduate student laboratory benches in Blacksburg, and 17 more in Arlington. The electrical research laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art design, development, and power testing equipment for LV and MV (30 kV) power converters and systems of several megawatts, as well as power hardware in the loop (P-HIL) simulations.


Phone: 5402310034

Address: 1185 Perry St, Blacksburg, VA, 24061, United States
 UC BerkeleyRobert PilawaProfessor Academic Grid Expertise in ultra-compact power electronics, new circuit topologies, and control methods. Expertise developing high performance hardware prototypes for grid-connected power converters.


Phone: 5106645171

Address: 573 Cory Hall, Berkeley, CA, 94720, United States
 Argonne National LaboratoryMoinuddin AhmedPrincipal Research Scientist Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) Other Energy Technologies Power electronics reliability and failure analysis, data analysis, modeling, automation


Phone: 630-252-5064

Address: 9700 Cass Ave, Lemont, IL, 60439, United States