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Background, Interest, and Capabilities | |
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| BDO USA | Dan Durst | Managing Director |
Large Business
Other Energy Technologies
| BDO Knows Grants Management. In the ever-evolving grants landscape, BDO emerges as a guiding force, offering a seamless journey through the complete lifecycle of grants management. BDO partners with organizations seeking the following capabilities:
Capability 1: Crafting Visions - Pre-Award Support
Embarking on the grants journey, our clients find solace in BDO's adeptness at transforming abstract ideas into compelling narratives. With meticulous attention to detail, we assist in articulating project concepts, ensuring they resonate with grantors. BDO supports organizations with the development of compelling concept papers and convincing full applications. A team of budgeting and indirect cost rate negotiation experts complements our grant writing expertise.
Capability 2: Sustaining Triumphs - Post Award Administration
The grant journey does not end with the notice of award; it transforms into a partnership sustained by compliance and reporting. BDO's commitment to ensuring adherence to grant terms and conditions is unwavering. Our experts seamlessly support the accounting, procurement, property management, and cyber related responsibilities of the largest grant recipients.
Capability 3: Bridging Horizons - Technology Integration
In an era dominated by technology, BDO does not merely adapt; it leads. Our grants management experts are enabled with innovative technology, bringing forth a wave of efficiency to our clients. From accounting to subaward administration, our experts identify the right solutions for each clients’ unique needs.
Capability 4: Echoes of Success - Impact Reporting
The soul of BDO's journey lies in the success stories etched in collaboration with our clients and their programs. Through quantitative metrics and qualitative milestones, BDO designs compliant and insightful reporting frameworks to address awarding agency demands. |
| VA |
| University of Georgia | Paul A. Schroeder | Professor |
Other Energy Technologies
| I am a clay mineralogist interested in geochemical reactions involved in Earth processes. Understanding clays minerals involves the detailed crystal-chemical characterization of their structure, particularly as they are found associated in the Earth's crust, which includes near surface weathering, diagenetic, and hydrothermal geologic environments. Clay minerals often interact with biological systems, which then allow them to proxy the record of environmental change throughout Earth history and perhaps in extraterrestrial environments. The research carried out in my group has involved the study of these fine grain particles using NMR spectroscopy, Fourier transform IR and Raman spectroscopy, radiogenic, cosmogenic, and stable isotopes, chemical and thermal analyses, and X-ray and electron diffraction. |
| GA |
| GeoFrontiers Corporation | Dalton Balentine | Laboratory Supervisor |
Small Business
Other Energy Technologies
| GeoFrontiers is a geochemical exploration company with over 40 years of experience. We specialize in designing prospect exploration programs, field collection of soil and gas samples, and analysis of samples in our analytical laboratory located in Dallas, Texas. We help clients design custom exploration programs to maximize their success in exploring for hydrogen and helium. We employ field experts who collect samples using state-of-the-art collection equipment and transport the collected samples back to our laboratory for analysis. The laboratory team specializes in precision low concentration analyses for H2, He, and CO2. Our analytical services include analyses for helium and hydrogen using gas chromatography coupled with detectors ranging from mass spectrometers to reducing gas detectors. At GeoFrontiers, we take pride in being pioneers in the development of geochemical exploration technologies and we look forward to having the opportunity to help explorationists succeed in finding commercial accumulations of helium and hydrogen. Feel free to explore out website at https://geofrontiers.com to see all services we provide for explorationists. |
| TX |
| Argonne National Laboratory | Amgad Elgowainy | Group Leader/Senior Scientist |
Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC)
Power Generation and Energy Production: Liquid and Gaseous Fuels/Nuclear
| ANL has been conducting TEA and LCA for hydrogen production and delivery infrastructure for over two decades. For more information, please visit https://greet.es.anl.gov/ and https://hdsam.es.anl.gov |
| IL |
| Stone Ridge Technology | Vincent Natoli | President |
Small Business
Other Energy Technologies
| Stone Ridge Technology develops and markets ECHELON a high-performance sub-surface simulator. ECHELON leads the industry in speed and was built from inception to run on Graphical Processing Units(GPUs). |
| MD |
| Osmoses, Inc. | Holden Lai | CTO |
Small Business
Other Energy Technologies
| Osmoses is a technology company transforming the way industrial separations are performed. We are commercializing a novel membrane technology designed to deliver unprecedented efficiency and performance to purify gas molecules. We provide a solution that can drive down the cost of geologic hydrogen by reducing the Opex needed for bulk gas separations. Our membranes have previously unattainable performance in separating hydrogen from methane and hydrogen from nitrogen. Our TEA is particularly compelling for geologic hydrogen concentrations below 50% - our membranes can efficiently perform the bulk separation necessary to allow traditional technologies like pressure swing adsorption (PSA) to become cost-effective. We are interested in piloting with a geologic hydrogen company, ideally on a slipstream, to validate our membrane performance in real-world conditions. We have experience as an ARPA-E awardee (https://arpa-e.energy.gov/technologies/projects/efficient-recovery-dilute-helium-gas-using-molecular-sieve-membranes#:~:text=Osmoses%20will%20develop%20of%20a,and%20enable%20rapid%20scale%2Dup.). |
| MA |
| Pennsylvania State University | Jennifer Macalady | Professor |
Other Energy Technologies
| Geomicrobiology, geochemistry, subsurface microbiology, caves and karst, hydrogen-consuming microorganisms |
| PA |
| Northern Arizona University | Jennifer Wade | Assistant Professor |
Other Energy Technologies
| I am working on a funded research project related to the mineralization of iron rich olivine. A biproduct of weathered Fe(II)silicate is hydrogen. I can run experimental pressure/temp controlled experiments to examine acceleration of H2 production in CO2 dissolved aqueous environments. |
| AZ |
| HYDROMA INC / HYDROMA USA | Omar MAIGA | Chief Geoscientist |
Large Business
Power Generation: Renewable
| Hydroma is the Global Pioneer in Natural Hydrogen with 30 wells drilled, 11 seismic lines and 2 electricity production pilot projects using direct combustion & fuel cell from geological hydrogen. After an accidental discovery of geological hydrogen on the bourakebougou field hydroma acquired expériences in natural H2 since 2011 to nowdays giving him the title of Global Pioneer in the discovery, exploration and exploitation of Natural Hydrogen.
Personal Background
I'm a geologist who obtained a master's degree in earth science, planet and environment, earth and georesources, at the Paul Sabatier University. After this first master's degree, I did a second master's degree in business administration and entrepreneurship, with projects focused on natural hydrogen, before continuing with a thesis at IFPEN – IFP school and sorbone university doctoral school. My PhD focuses on the geological and 3D geophysical characterization of a natural hydrogen reservoir system - example of bourrakebougou. The PhD was funded by HYDROMA.
I have been working on the characterization of natural hydrogen reservoirs, Identification of natural hydrogen accumulations using logging tools. Identification of natural hydrogen sources in Neoproterozoic sediments. Trapping processes involved in natural hydrogen systems. Modeling of natural hydrogen reservoir systems Geophysical characterization of natural hydrogen.
With more than 100 employees and contractors Hydroma has the strongest experience in exploration and exploitation of Geological Hydrogen. |
| DE |
| Louisiana State University | Olufemi Olorode | Assistant Professor |
Other Energy Technologies
| My research group has expertise in the numerical simulation of compositional flow in deformable and fractured subsurface rocks. We have published papers on compositional fluid modeling, using state-of-the-art equations of state and deep learning to model diffusion, phase equilibrium calculations, etc. We also have expertise in molecular dynamics studies of gas (methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen) hydrates. In addition to our numerical expertise, we have a Geomechanics laboratory that is equipped with an AutoLab 1500 triaxial rock testing apparatus and a liquid permeability pulse decay permeability and core flooding apparatus. These have been used to perform integrated numerical and experimental studies of coupled THM processes across lab and reservoir scales. |
| LA |
| University of Georgia | Daniel I. Kaplan | Associate Director |
Other Energy Technologies
| Extensive knowledge of geologic hydrogen in general, including serpentinization processes that lead to the production of hydrogen. Experimental investigation of multiphase flow and reactive transport in geological materials, and associated image analysis (X-ray micro-CT) and flow and geochemical simulations (pore-scale and continuum-scale modeling). The laboratory equipment enables quantifying rocks porosity and permeability, conduct core-flooding experiments in real rocks, and perform microfluidic experiments to visualize the dynamics of multiphase flow and transport processes at the pore-scale.
We also have an on-going project with Hydrogen Shot - DOE EERE related to Hydrogen sensors. |
| GA |
| Borehole Mining International, Inc. | Gregory Abramov | President and CEO |
Small Business
Other Energy Technologies
| Borehole Mining (BHM) is a remotely operated method of extracting natural resources through boreholes. It is conducted from land surface and floating platforms. BHM is used for mining of iron, uranium, coal, tin, manganese, etc. as well as for stimulation of O&G production. Since no personnel are required underground and no earth movement and other large-scale environmental disturbance, BHM is the most eco-friendly mining and stimulation technology. It is also a rapid, safe and cost-effective method. For more, please see: SME Surface Mining Handbook, 3rd Edition (2023), Chapter 23 and boreholemining.com |
| CO |
| University of Georgia | Charlotte Garing | Assistant Professor |
Other Energy Technologies
| I am a hydrogeologist with 10+ years experience studying flow and mineral reactions in geological formations, primarily in the context of geological carbon storage. My research group is dedicated to the experimental investigation of multiphase flow and reactive transport in geological materials, and associated image analysis (X-ray micro-CT) and flow and geochemical simulations (pore-scale and continuum-scale modeling). Current capabilities include characterization of rocks properties (porosity, morphology/topology of 3D pore space, permeability, mineralogy, distribution of reactive minerals within rock samples), conduct core-flooding reactive experiments in real rocks, and perform microfluidic experiments in rock replicate microchips to visualize the dynamics of multiphase flow and transport processes at the pore-scale. |
| GA |
| University of Utah | William Brazelton | Associate Research Professor |
Other Energy Technologies
| I am a microbiologist with expertise in metagenomic sequencing approaches. I have worked in H2-rich, subsurface systems for >20 years as a project lead and also as an interdisciplinary collaborator. I can provide "big data" computational approaches to the study of microbial communities. I have worked with a broad array of multi-disciplinary scientists and engineers throughout my career. |
| UT |
| IFP energies Nouvelles | Olivier Sissmann | Research scientist |
Federal Government
Power Generation: Renewable
| I am a geochemist who obtained a BSc in Geology from the University of Queensland, Australia, before travelling back to France to obtain a PhD on CO2 mineral storage from Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris and Ecole Normale Supérieure. I then joined IFP Energies Nouvelles as a research scientist, where I have been working on native H2 emissions ("white hydrogen") ever since, collecting associated rock and gas samples around the globe to understand the origin of geologic H2, quantify its emissions, as well as the generation potential of rock formations.
Our group has a large number of capabilities that may suit projects related to geologic hydrogen. We can :
(1) efficiently run sampling campaign on the field and run in situ measurements with different detectors, whether it's to detect gases such as H2, analyze water (pH, eH) or screen rock composition for iron;
(2) run stable isotope analysis of H2 and associated volatiles at the lab through GCC-IRMS, whether they are gaseous (CH4, CO2 ...) or dissolved compounds (formate, acetate, methanol...), that indicate H2 consumption in the subsurface to quantify and identify the source of H2. We are also equipped with a highly sensitive GC with a plasma detector that can detect H2 down to the ppm level in small volumes.
(3) analyze water samples for microorganisms consuming H2 (acetogens, methanogens, sulfato-reducers ...).
(4) measure dissolved H2 concentration in water samples, down to the nmolar level with electrochemical sensors.
(5) analyze associated noble gases (such as Helium) to get information on residence time of associated gas flux in the subsurface and its origin (crust or mantle).
(6) analyze rock samples and alteration figures, by combining x-ray diffraction, electronic microcopy, microprobe and µtomography, to determine mineralogy, quantify alteration and iron valency, in order to determine past and future H2 generation potential.
(7) run HP/HT fluid rock interactions experiments, in order to determine H2 generation kinetics of select rock formations (and use it later as input data for numerical modelling).
(8) perform reactive transport modelling on a regional scale, through the use of our own numerical codes. |
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| Iskandia Energy Operating, Inc. | Adam Farris | VP West |
Small Business
Other Energy Technologies
| Exploration and Production company. |
| TX |
| H2 Helium LLC | Wheeler M. "Bo" Sears, Jr. | President |
Small Business
Other Energy Technologies
| Dear Sir/Madam, my company, H2 Helium LLC, is focused on helium and natural hydrogen production principally in the State of Montana. I have been involved in the helium exploration business for the past 23 years, have testified in Congress regarding drilling for helium on Federal Lands, and have written a book (Helium - The Disappearing Element, 2015) about helium. In my investigations, we have uncovered incredibly strong geological hydrogen potential along with helium production from certain areas in the State of Montana. For instance, there is a well that flowed 27% Hydrogen and 2.2% Helium out of the same formation. The areas in question sit on Archean Cratons (oldest rock in North America, and thus the most enriched in Uranium and Thorium) from which iron-rich crustal rock is able to be reduced via serpentinization to produce geological Hydrogen. We are currently installing a "collaborative drilling program" so that multiple interested parties can pursue their own interests (helium, hydrogen, geothermal, lithium, etc) out of a single wellbore. We would enjoy the opportunity to work with ARPA-E on this geological hydrogen effort. Montana represents the most exciting location for geological hydrogen as it is the only State where it was recently tested. Other older wells in Iowa tested very high geological Hydrogen but were not productive. Thank you, Bo Sears |
| TX |
| University of Georgia | Adam Milewski | Professor of Hydrogeology |
Other Energy Technologies
| I am a hydrogeologist with training in subsurface hydrologic modeling, remote sensing/UAVs, and data science. |
| GA |
| Getech Group plc | William Heins | Chief Geoscientist |
Small Business
Other Energy Technologies
| Getech possesses the world's largest and highest-quality compilation of gravity and magnetic data, and has decades of experience processing and interrogating this data for resource exploration. The potential lithologic repositories of reduced iron for hydrogen generation are ultramafic rocks and iron ores with distinctive potential-fields signatures that should be identifiable with our data. |
| TX |
| University of Oklahoma | Deepak Devegowda | Professor |
Other Energy Technologies
| Our team of Drs. Chandra Rai, Mark Curtis and Son Dang have extensive capabilities in rock physics, geochemistry and petrophysics as well as molecular and continuum-scale modeling, including reactive modeling. Our current research is focused on assessing CO2 and H2 geochemistry in the subsurface for long-term storage. Our experimental and modeling capabilities are synergistic and have been used to validate reactive forcefields for molecular simulations.
Our interest in this project is the modeling and characterization of geologic hydrogen resources. Our laboratory capabilities include capabilities to handle hydrogen and other gases at high pressure and temperature conditions and to monitor and assess hydrogen consumption/generation as it occurs.
Our capabilities can address a variety of challenges in Category 1, 3 and 4. |
| OK |
| SRI International | Rahul Pandey | Senior Engineer |
Other Energy Technologies
| Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)-part of SRI International has developed a hydrogen gas sensing technology which can detect sub-ppm hydrogen concentrations and ppb-level perturbations in hydrogen concentrations required for large area monitoring of hydrogen seeps at the surface for characterizing and monitoring sites identified for geologic hydrogen extraction and storage. Located in Silicon valley, PARC, now part of SRI International, has been at the heart of some of the most important technological breakthroughs of our time. Practicing open innovation, PARC provides custom R&D services, technology, intellectual property and innovation best practices to Fortune 500 companies, startups and government agencies. |
| CA |
| New ENgland Research, Inc | Gregory Boitnott | Vice President |
Small Business
Other Energy Technologies
| New England Research (NER) was founded in 1985 to study the behavior of rocks at in situ conditions from the pore to the meter scale. Over the last 35+ years, NER has developed unique, custom equipment to conduct experiments as part of government and industry supported R&D projects. Progressive improvements in technique, analysis software, and hardware have incorporated into the design of each system which we use for commercial service work as well as sell as commercial products.
Over the past ten years, there has been an increasing demand for rock properties measurements at temperatures up to 450°C and at pressures up 400 MPa for geothermal programs, rock-fluid interactions at mid-crustal depths, frictional properties for studies of intermediate depth earthquakes, engineering of deep boreholes, and geophysical exploration. To support these studies, NER has modified the AutoLab series to operate at these conditions, providing a solid starting point for this study. The HPHT AutoLab systems support NER’s standard measurement options: velocity, permeability, electrical resistivity, and deformation.
We envision our role in a Geologic Hydrogen project to advance the state of the art in laboratory testing and physical properties modeling of petrophysical and geophysical rock properties including coupled THMC deformation during serpentinization. As examples, the integrated laboratory and modeling focused work could be directed at:
• Geophysical properties and their evolution during serpentinization to support for exploration for, and monitoring of, potential test sites. • Hydromechanical properties for modeling and engineering of sustainable hydrogen generation and the potential of stimulation techniques. • Integration of testing with modeling capabilities and workflow aimed at engineering the economic production of H2 from ultramafic source rocks. |
Website: www.ner.com
Email: boitnott@ner.com
Phone: 802-296-2401
Address: 331 Olcott Drive, Suite L1, White River Junction, VT, 05001, United States
| VT |
| California Geological Survey | Brad T. Gooch | Senior Engineering Geologist |
State and/or Local Government
Other Energy Technologies
| The California Geological Survey (CGS) is one of the oldest state geologic surveys in the US and has been mapping the surface geology of the state since its inception in 1860, as well as serving the public an array of other applied geologic data products. The CGS employs over 140 geoscientists, environmental scientists, geospatial specialists, equipment technicians, and engineers, providing the organization with diverse and broad technical expertise in the applied geosciences.
The CGS recently began a Geological Carbon Sequestration Group to enhance the state's knowledge of subsurface geologic reservoirs suitable for sequestration activities. This work entails geological mapping and modeling the world-renown, ultramafic rock deposits of the state for carbon removal, critical mineral, and geologic hydrogen potential. The CGS is implementing various geological, geochemical, and geophysical methods to model and characterize these deposits to create timely, publicly available data products that will be critical to managing this valuable geological resource. The CGS is interested in working with industry, government, and academic partners to better understand the applied geology of the prolific ultramafic resources present in the state for all beneficial uses related to decarbonization. |
| CA |
| Susteon Inc. | Raghubir Gupta | CEO |
Small Business
Power Generation and Energy Production: Liquid and Gaseous Fuels/Nuclear
| Susteon has deep expertise in carbon capture, CO2 conversion, coal and biomass gasification, syngas cleanup and conditioning, gas separation including separation of hydrogen and CO2 from various streams. We have worked on a number of technologies in this domain for last 30 years, taking lab-scale discoveries to pilot and commercial demonstrations. Couple of notable examples include design, construction, and operation of a 50-MW syngas cleanup and conditioning system at Polk Power plant in Florida to take syngas generated from a petcock gasifier to produce hydrogen and 1,000 ton/day sequestration ready CO2. Another example is spinoff of a direct air capture technology to capture CO2 from air using novel sorbents and renewable energy. We have worked with DOE for last 35 years on a number of technology development projects with combined DOE funding of $350 million. For this initiative, we bring expertise in H2 separation/purification and process design. We also are working on a number of pathways to utilize carbon-free hydrogen to convert biogenic CO2 into hydrocarbon products. |
| NC |
| Anglo American | Dan Shafqat | Principal - Decarbonisation Ventures |
Large Business
Other Energy Technologies
| Anglo American is a leading global mining company and our products are the essential ingredients in almost every aspect of modern life. Our portfolio of world-class competitive operations, with a broad range of future development options, provides many of the future-enabling metals and minerals for a cleaner, greener, more sustainable world and that meet the fast growing every day demands of billions of consumers.
At Anglo American, we believe that hydrogen has a significant and wide-ranging role to play in achieving the low-carbon future needed to combat climate change. Hydrogen is a clean, green, versatile energy carrier of almost infinite supply and it has a vital role to play in delivering on that plan and decarbonising the world.
Anglo American initiatives include nuGen™, the first ultra-class mine haul truck of its size to run on hydrogen. Retrofitted from a diesel-powered vehicle, it combines a hybrid hydrogen fuel cell with a battery, to allow for energy recovery when breaking.
Anglo American is also a founding member of The Hydrogen Council - the global voice of clean hydrogen action. A CEO-led organisation, it uses its global reach to promote collaboration between governments, industry and investors to accelerate the deployment of hydrogen solutions around the world.
We are interested in collaborating with academics, entrepreneurs, corporations and other members of the ecosystem to explore leveraging our assets for the exploration and production of geologic hydrogen. |
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